

  • On 1 January 2018, PERKESO introduced PERKESO ASSIST Portal to facilitate employers to manage their registration, update records and contribution payments.
  • To use PERKESO ASSIST Portal, employers need to register to obtain the ID for the ASSIST Portal by filling in the form for PERKESO ASSIST Portal ID. Employers can download the form from PERKESO website and send it to the nearest PERKESO office.
  • PERKESO ASSIST Portal can be accessed by visiting and login to ASSIST Portal.
  • Financial Process Exchange (FPX) - Employers are required to have an internet banking account with any bank that offers FPX services.
  • Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) - Employers are required to apply for an E-mandate through the ASSIST Portal.

Internet Banking

  • Employers need to be registered and have an account with the appointed banks. Further details can be obtained by contacting the following banks:
Bil Bank Perkhidmatan
1 Maybank Berhad
2 CIMB Bank Berhad BizChannel
3 RHB Bank Berhad RHB Reflex
4 Public Bank Berhad
5 Citibank Berhad CitiConnect
6 Hong Leong Bank Berhad ConnectFirst/Connect Biz
7 AmBank Malaysia Berhad E-Ambiz
8 Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad BizSmart
9 Affin Bank affinonline
10 HSBC Bank (M) Berhad HSBCnet
11 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad e-Banker
12 Agro Bank AGRONet
13 UOB Bank UOB Business Internet Banking
14 Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad Corporate Internet Banking (i-Biz)
15 Standard Chartered Malaysia Straight2Bank
16 OCBC Bank OCBC Velocity
17 Bank Rakyat iRakyat
18 MBSB Bank Berhad Mjourney
19 J.P Morgan J.P Morgan Access

Bank Counters

  • Bank counters (using ACR reference with contribution data submitted through PERKESO ASSIST Portal).
  • Banks appointed by PERKESO as collection agents for contribution payments are as follows:
    i.    Maybank Berhad
    ii.   Public Bank Berhad (starting 1 March 2018)

PRIHATIN Application

Contribution Payment Period

Contributions payable for any month must be paid no later than the 15th day of each succeeding month (eg: contributions for July 2017 must be paid latest by 15 August 2017).

Interest on Late Payment of Contributions

Interest on late payment of contributions will be imposed at a rate of 6% per annum for each day of contributions not paid within the stipulated period.

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