Invalidity Scheme

 An Insured Person shall be considered as suffering from invalidity by reason of specific morbid condition of permanent nature either incurable or is not likely to be cured and no longer capable of earning, by work corresponding to his strength and physical ability, at least 1/3 of the customary earnings of a sound Insured Person.

The scheme provides 24-hour coverage to employee who suffers from invalidity or death due to any cause and not related to his employment.

Invalidity Scheme Benefits

Invalidity Pension
Invalidity Grant
Constant-attendance Allowance
Survivors' Pension
Physical or Vocational Rehabilitation & Dialysis
Funeral Benefit
Education Benefit

Forms related to benefit claims can be download at the link below :

Menara PERKESO, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur


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