This benefit is in the form of loans may be provided to a dependant child of an insured person who:

  • Dies as a result of employment injury
  • Is in receipt of periodical payments for Permanent Disablement Benefit
  • Dies while receiving Invalidity Pension
  • Dies before attaining the age of 60 years but has completed a full or a reduced qualifying period
  • Is a Invalidity Pension recipient

Applicant Requirements To Qualify

  1. Applicant must be a dependant to the following :
    1. Dependent’s Benefit recipient;
    2. Survivor’s Pension recipient;
    3. Invalidity Pension recipient;
    4. Scheduled Permanent Disablement Benefit.
  1. Less than 21 years old when applying; or If exceeds 21 years, applicant must have received a SOCSO loan before at certificate or diploma level continuously (without suspension due to poor academic performance) and a dependent of the Dependent’s Benefit or Survivor’s Pension recipient ;
  1. Not married;
  1. Have received offers to further study at any Institute of Higher Education within the country for first Degree or Diploma, or Malaysian Proficiency Certificate (SKM) Level 1 to 3;
  1. Had applied for education loan from other agencies but it had been declined;
  1. Full programme must be within Malaysia;
  1. Full programme must be based on full time basis;
  1. Time left to completion of programme when applying must not be less than 1 year;
  1. The overall cost of the tuition fee must not exceed RM100,000 not inclusive of sustenance allowance;
  1. For applicants receiving offers from Private Institute of Higher Education, the college or university must have been in operations for at least 2 years and its establishment must have been approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia (KPTM);
  1. For applicants applying at Public Institute of Higher Learning at Diploma or Degree level, courses offered must be approved by the Public Institute of Higher Education Management Department, of the Ministry;
  1. For applicants applying at Private Institute of Higher Learning at Diploma or Degree level, courses offered must be approved by the Private Institute of Higher Education Management Department, of the Ministry, and receive Full or Provisional Accreditation Certificate from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and is still within its validity period;
  1. For applicants applying at Malaysian Skills Certificate level 1 to 3, courses offered must result in certification from the Department of Skills Development (DSD), from the Ministry of Human Resource and is still within its validity period;
  1. Meets full requirements and qualifications for entry, as prescribed by KPTM to enter into the programme. If the qualification by the applicant differs, a confirmation letter that the qualification is equivalent to the minimum requirement set by the Ministry must be obtained from the relevant departments or agencies in item 12 and 13; and
  1. Family financial capability is insufficient to bear the necessary cost for the education.


  • The following does not meet the criteria to apply:
    1. Primary or secondary school students;
    2. Sibling of Insured Person;
    3. Matriculation / Pre University / Foundation / Master Degree / PhD students
  • Applicants must take full accountability to ensure all necessary documents from the related departments or agencies is included when submitting complete documentation for their application.
  • Applicants who have received SOCSO loans before but failed to complete the education programme or cancelled their loan before graduating is disqualified from re-applying unless they have fully paid any outstanding amount from their previous loan.
  • Loan disbursement is only given during the education programme period only.
Education Benefit Funding Details
How To Apply Education Loan
Education Loan Allocation
Education Benefit Agreement Documents
Loan Disbursement Methods
Education Loan Repayment Installment
Channels To Pay The Education Benefit


  • Please submit payment slips, Payment via ATM Registration Forms and Direct Debit Instruction to the following address :
  • Pengurus,
    Unit Pinjaman Pendidikan, Cawangan Faedah, Bahagian Operasi, Tingkat 14,
    Menara PERKESO; No. 281 Jalan Ampang, 50538 Kuala Lumpur.
    No. Fax : 03-4256 3534
  • All of the above payment channels (via counter, ATM, Internet banking, and Direct Debit) can only be done with  MAYBANK .
  • Other payment services such as Standing Instructions, Cash Deposit Machines (CDM), and Cheque Deposit Machines are NOT ACCEPTED .
  • Each online payment made will be charged by the bank.
  • All copies of bank in slips / payment receipts should be kept for future reference and proof of payment
  • Any enquiries regarding repayment of SOCSO education benefits should be directed to the SOCSO Education benefit Unit at 03-4264 5543 /5159/5329/5341/5316.

PERKESO will take civil action against the defaulting borrower and the guarantor who fail to pay their educationloan. All legal costs and advertising costs related to loans will be borne by the borrower. To avoid any action taken against the borrower and guarantor, please make payments accordingly.

Menara PERKESO, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur


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