Domestic Workers

Social Security Protection For Domestic Workers

Effective 1 June 2021, domestic workers are covered under the Employees’ Social Security Act 1969 (Act 4) and Employment Insurance System (Act 800).

Registration and contribution payment to PERKESO are mandatory for employers and domestic workers.

Domestic Worker Definition

A domestic worker is a person employed exclusively in the work or in connection with work of a private dwelling house and not of any trade, business or profession carried on by the employer in such dwelling house.

Example of Domestic Workers

  • Housemaid

  • Personal Driver

  • Gardener

  • Personal Bodyguard

  • Personal Security Guard

  • Personal Cook

  • Caregiver

  • Nanny

Eligibility Conditions

Local Domestic Worker

  • Malaysian / permanent resident / temporary resident; and
  • Employed by Malaysian / permanent resident / temporary resident / foreigner.

Foreign Domestic Worker

  • Foreigners who hold valid passport and work pass issued by the Immigration Department of Malaysia; and
  • Employed by Malaysian / permanent resident / temporary resident.

Registration & Contribution Payment

Employers must register their domestic worker with PERKESO and ensure that the contribution is paid based on the eligibility and specified contribution rates. Failure to comply may result in a fine of up to RM10,000, imprisonment for up to 2 years or both.

Type of coverage for domestic worker based on eligibility:

Act / Domestic Worker Act 4 Act 4 Act 800
Employment Injury Scheme Invalidity Scheme Employment Insurance System
Local (Malaysian/Permanent Resident/Temporary Resident) / / /
Foreigner / /
(Effective 1 July 2024)
Contribution Rate Employer 1.25% 0.5% 0.2%
Employee - 0.5% 0.2%


The contribution rates which must be paid is based on the contribution schedule as follows:

  • Local Domestic Worker – Contribution Schedule of Act 4 and Act 800.
  • Foreign Domestic Worker - Contribution Schedule of Act 4

Contribution rate can be referred via the link below:

There are two(2) contribution payment methods for domestic worker which are monthly payment via the ASSIST portal or advance payment up to 24 months via the Prihatin app:

Payment Guide via Prihatin

Video Guide via Prihatin

Benefits Offered

Benefits offered are the same offered to formal workers.

For Local Domestic Workers domestic workers:

For Foreign Domestic Workers, the type of benefits, eligibility conditions and contribution rates are the same as the conditions for foreign workers:

Menara PERKESO, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur

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