Education benefit


This benefit is in the form of loans may be provided to a dependant child of an insured person who:

  • Dies as a result of employment injury
  • Is in receipt of periodical payments for Permanent Disablement Benefit
  • Dies while receiving Invalidity Pension
  • Dies before attaining the age of 60 years but has completed a full or a reduced qualifying period
  • Is a Invalidity Pension recipient

Applicant Requirements To Qualify

  1. Applicant must be a dependant to the following :
    1. Dependent’s Benefit recipient;
    2. Survivor’s Pension recipient;
    3. Invalidity Pension recipient;
    4. Scheduled Permanent Disablement Benefit.
  1. Less than 21 years old when applying; or If exceeds 21 years, applicant must have received a SOCSO loan before at certificate or diploma level continuously (without suspension due to poor academic performance) and a dependent of the Dependent’s Benefit or Survivor’s Pension recipient ;
  1. Not married;
  1. Have received offers to further study at any Institute of Higher Education within the country for first Degree or Diploma, or Malaysian Proficiency Certificate (SKM) Level 1 to 3;
  1. Had applied for education loan from other agencies but it had been declined;
  1. Full programme must be within Malaysia;
  1. Full programme must be based on full time basis;
  1. Time left to completion of programme when applying must not be less than 1 year;
  1. The overall cost of the tuition fee must not exceed RM100,000 not inclusive of sustenance allowance;
  1. For applicants receiving offers from Private Institute of Higher Education, the college or university must have been in operations for at least 2 years and its establishment must have been approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia (KPTM);
  1. For applicants applying at Public Institute of Higher Learning at Diploma or Degree level, courses offered must be approved by the Public Institute of Higher Education Management Department, of the Ministry;
  1. For applicants applying at Private Institute of Higher Learning at Diploma or Degree level, courses offered must be approved by the Private Institute of Higher Education Management Department, of the Ministry, and receive Full or Provisional Accreditation Certificate from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and is still within its validity period;
  1. For applicants applying at Malaysian Skills Certificate level 1 to 3, courses offered must result in certification from the Department of Skills Development (DSD), from the Ministry of Human Resource and is still within its validity period;
  1. Meets full requirements and qualifications for entry, as prescribed by KPTM to enter into the programme. If the qualification by the applicant differs, a confirmation letter that the qualification is equivalent to the minimum requirement set by the Ministry must be obtained from the relevant departments or agencies in item 12 and 13; and
  1. Family financial capability is insufficient to bear the necessary cost for the education.


  • The following does not meet the criteria to apply:
    1. Primary or secondary school students;
    2. Sibling of Insured Person;
    3. Matriculation / Pre University / Foundation / Master Degree / PhD students
  • Applicants must take full accountability to ensure all necessary documents from the related departments or agencies is included when submitting complete documentation for their application.
  • Applicants who have received SOCSO loans before but failed to complete the education programme or cancelled their loan before graduating is disqualified from re-applying unless they have fully paid any outstanding amount from their previous loan.
  • Loan disbursement is only given during the education programme period only.
  • Education Benefit Funding Details

    1. Education funding in the form of a loan that will include service charge. The applicable service charge is based on the following:
      • Borrowers who have accepted the loan offer commencing 1 May 1997 to 31 December 2008 will be charged a service charge rate of 4% per annum on the total outstanding amount. However, from 1 January 2013, the rate has been re-revised to 2%; and
      • Borrowers who have accepted the loan offer commencing 1 January 2009 onwards will be charged a service charge rate of 2% per annum on the total outstanding amount.
    1. The loan has been insured, and the insurance costs has already been factored into the total amount.
    1. For education benefits at diploma and degree level education, borrowers may apply to convert their loans into scholarships if the final academic results fulfill the conditions set by SOCSO.
  • How To Apply Education Loan

    Education benefit applications should be made online at the official SOCSO website and by submitting the following documents:

    1. A copy of the latest passport sized picture of the applicant;
    2. A certified original copy of the applicant’s birth certificate;
    3. A certified original copy of the applicant’s identification card;
    4. A certified original copy of the applicant’s academic result for PMR, SPM, STPM, Certificate, Foundation / A-Level / Matriculation / Diploma;
    5. A certified original copy of the applicant’s high school testimony;
    6. Original Letter of Offer for placement into an Institute of Higher Education;
    7. Confirmation letter of registration from the Institute of Higher Education, registration fee receipt or a copy of the student identification card;
    8. A letter from the Institute of Higher Education following the SOCSO format highlighting the cost and tuition fees for the latest semester.
  • Education Loan Allocation

    • Loan allocation only covers the education cost which include fee for the first semester, education, examination and lab fee for each semester while other fees are not covered by SOCSO.
    • No allocation of sustenance allowance for student is provided.
    Education CostRate
    Fees include :
    1) Registration fee for the first semester;
    2) Education fee;
    3) Examination fee; and
    4) Lab fee


    • The entire education cost is not exceeding the maximum rate of RM100,000.00 which approved by Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education
  • Education Benefit Agreement Documents

    Applicants who have accepted the offer for the education benefit must secure guarantors and joint sign the education loan agreement documents.

    Eligibility to be a guarantor :

    1. Malaysian citizenship
    2. Number of guarantor and minimum income level of each guarantor commensurate with the approved loan amount:
      1. Amount less than RM100,000.00
        • Two (2) guarantors;
        • Net monthly income (after deductions) of not less than RM1,500.00;
        • Minimum employment period with current employee: 2 years; and
        • Permanent employment;
      2. Amount exceeding RM100,000.00
        • Three (3) guarantors;
        • Net monthly income (after deductions) of not less than RM2,000.00;
        • Minimum employment period with current employee: 2 years; and
        • Permanent employment.
    1. Minimum age to be a guarantor is subject to the loan amount as set out by the schedule below:
    Loan amount (RM)Minimum age (not exceeding)

    1,000 - 2,500

    2,501 - 5,000

    5,001 - 7,500

    7,501 - 10,000

    10,001 - 12,500

    12,501 - 15,000

    15,001 - 17,500

    17,501 - 20,000

    20,001 - 22,500

    22,501 - 25,000

    25,001 - 27,500

    27,501 - 50,000

    50,001 - 100,000

    100,000 Ke atas

    54 years old

    53 years old

    52 years old

    50 years old

    50 years old

    49 years old

    49 years old

    48 years old

    47 years old

    46 years old

    46 years old

    41 years old

    36 years old

    31 years old

    1. Each guarantor can only guarantee one (1) loan applicant at any one time;
    2. Guarantor can be either parents, siblings, family members or close friends that have known the applicant for more than 5 years;
    3. Any guarantors that are self-employed must furnish a copy of the latest 3 years Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) Form B submission that is certified by an officer from the Inland Revenue Board and earn more than RM30,000.00 per year;
    4. Guarantors who have signed and agreed to be guarantors may not pull out, unless they are disqualified due to conditions set out within the Education Loan Agreement;
    5. Applicant and guarantors must sign their documents, witnessed by any of the following:-
      1. Member of Parliament / Senator;
      2. Any officers that belong to Group A or B from the government or approved agencies or equivalent;
      3. Officers that belong to the judiciary or legal services such as magistrates, lawyers or oaths commission;
      4. Public school headmaster;
      5. Police officers who are ranked SI and above / Military officers ranked Captain and above (or its equivalent);
      6. SOCSO officers who are Grade 19 and above;
      7. Village head / Justice of Peace / Warden/ village elder / community leaders / Sidang(Councillors)/ county development officer / JKKK Chairman (Village Development and Security Committee);
      8. For Sabah and Sarawak – ethnic group leader / Native Chief / Captain / Pemanca Councillors / Sabah park officer; and
      9. Other officers approved by SOCSO from time to time.
  • Loan Disbursement Methods

    • Education loan are disbursed by:
      1. For tuition fees: Cheques drawn for or credited directly into the institute of higher educations’s account;
      2. For sustenance allowance: credited directly into the student’s Maybank account; and
      3. Premium insurans akan dibayar terus kepada Syarikat Insurans.
    • Disbursements will be made on a staggered basis for each semester. For the initial disbursement, completed documents must be furnished by the students to PERKESO. For subsequent disbursements, students must submit latest examination results for the semester.
    • Disbursements are made on a staggered basis to ensure that the students continue to perform well academically. By submitting the examination results, SOCSO will be able to monitor the student performance.
    • Should the student fail to achieve a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00, the education loan disbursement for the upcoming semester will be suspended temporarily until the student has attended a counselling session conducted by SOCSO counsellors.
  • Education Loan Repayment Installment

    • Loans must be paid inclusive of service charges by the borrower on instalment basis adhering to the loan tenure as determined by SOCSO commencing after the twelfth (12) month from the final month of which the borrower receives the final disbursement of the education benefit.
    • Education loan payback period is based on the amount disbursed, based on the following schedule :
    Loan amount (RM)Loan tenure (years)

    1,000 - 2,500

    2,501 - 5,000

    5,001 - 7,500

    7,501 - 10,000

    10,001 - 12,500

    12,501 - 15,000

    15,001 - 17,500

    17,501 - 20,000

    20,001 - 22,500

    22,501 - 25,000

    25,001 - 27,500

    27,501 - 50,000

    50,001 - 100,000

    More than 100,000

    2 years

    3 years

    4 years

    5 years 3 months

    5 years 5 months

    6 years 6 months

    7 years

    8 years

    8 years 5 months

    9 years 4 months

    10 years

    15 years

    20 years

    25 years

    • First instalment shall be due on the first day of the twelfth month from the month of the final loan disbursement.
  • Channels To Pay The Education Benefit

    Bil. Channel Details
    1 Cheques / Bank Drafts / Money Orders
    • Please make payments under the name of “Chief Executive SOCSO”
    • Payment documents should not have any amendments
    • Please include the following on the reverse side:
    • i) Borrower Name & IC No; and
      ii) No. Akaun Pinjaman ( Borrowers who have more than one loan account, please state the amount of the payment for each account)
      iii) Reason for payment: SOCSO Education Loan Repayment
    2 Internet banking (
    • Step 1 : Register for at the nearest Maybank branch
    • Step 2 : Go to
    • Step 3 : Select Accounts & Banking
    • Step 4 : Select Bill Payment
    • Step 5 : Browse Payees Categories : Education & Education Loans
    • Step 6 : Select SOCSO Education Loan
    • Step 7 : Enter the amount, Loan Account No and any other necessary details
    • Step 8 : Print the payment receipt as reference and proof of payment
    • (Please contact the SOCSO Education Loan Unit for the Loan Account No)
    3 Maybank Auto Teller Machines (ATM)
    • Step 1 : Please register ATM bill payment service
    • Step 2 : Enter ATM card at ATM machine
    • Step 3 : Enter ATM pin number
    • Step 4 : Select Paybills menu
    • Step 5 : Select Registered Payee Corporation
    • Step 6 : Enter the amount of payment
    • Step 7 : Select PERKESO Education Loan
    • Step 8 : Print receipt for reference (Please complete the Payment via ATM Registration Forms that can be accessed at the official SOCSO website and submit to the SOCSO Education Loan Unit)
    4 Direct Debit Instruction via Maybank accounts
    • Please get a copy of the Maybank AutoDebit Application Form at the nearest Maybank branch or at the official SOCSO website
    • Please complete Section B – Bank account information only.
    • Please complete and submit to the SOCSO Education Loan Unit.
    5 Education Withdrawal through EPF
    • Please check the eligibility requirements to apply for EPF
    • Please get the Education Withdrawal Request Form at any EPF service counters or on the EPF website at
    • Please notify PERKESO in respect of EPF education withdrawal request in writing via e-mail / fax / post.
    • The completed application form must be submitted by the borrower at any nearest EPF service counters.


  • Please submit payment slips, Payment via ATM Registration Forms and Direct Debit Instruction to the following address :
  • Pengurus,
    Unit Pinjaman Pendidikan, Cawangan Faedah, Bahagian Operasi, Tingkat 14,
    Menara PERKESO; No. 281 Jalan Ampang, 50538 Kuala Lumpur.
    No. Fax : 03-4256 3534
  • All of the above payment channels (via counter, ATM, Internet banking, and Direct Debit) can only be done with  MAYBANK .
  • Other payment services such as Standing Instructions, Cash Deposit Machines (CDM), and Cheque Deposit Machines are NOT ACCEPTED .
  • Each online payment made will be charged by the bank.
  • All copies of bank in slips / payment receipts should be kept for future reference and proof of payment
  • Any enquiries regarding repayment of SOCSO education benefits should be directed to the SOCSO Education benefit Unit at 03-4264 5543 /5159/5329/5341/5316.

PERKESO will take civil action against the defaulting borrower and the guarantor who fail to pay their educationloan. All legal costs and advertising costs related to loans will be borne by the borrower. To avoid any action taken against the borrower and guarantor, please make payments accordingly.

Read more: Education benefit

  • Hits: 223516

Dialysis Centre

Dialysis Centre

  • In accordance with the Employees' Social Security Act ( Internal Circular Volume 1 Year 1999), PERKESO has provided haemodialysis facilities and support for qualified Insured Person, who suffers from chronic renal disease "End Stage Renal Failure" (ESRF).
  • The haemodialysis treatment is one of the facility provided by PERKESO for Insured Person, as part of its rehabilitation benefits programme. This treatment is provided free of charge at any PERKESO dialysis panel centres, government hospital or centres run by either NGOs or private dialysis centres.
  • PERKESO will reimburse Insured Person that undergo haemodialysis treatment at non-PERKESO dialysis panel centre and government hospital subjected to PERKESO's terms and conditions. The alternative treatment for dialysis that is Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) can be considered.
  • PERKESO has expanded its dialysis support by donating haemodialysis machines for NGO to run their dialysis centres. 
  • To ensure that the dialysis facilities and support structure is well administered and managed, the Dialysis Unit was established under the Medical and Rehabilitation Branch in 1998.

List of Dialysis Centre



Dialysis Unit Objectives

  • To manage the appointment of dialysis centres
  • To manage the requests for dialysis treatment
  • To manage bill payments for dialysis treatments provided
  • To manage the welfare of the patients under the care of PERKESO
  • To manage payments for other dialysis related expenses
  • To manage donations of dialysis machines to dialysis centres operated by NGOs or other charitable bodies

Dialysis Assistance Facilities

  • Haemodialysis treatments in panel centres under PERKESO, non-PERKESO and government hospital
  • CAPD treatment method
  • Subsidized injection of Erythropoietin (EPO)
  • Subsidized purchase of Immunosuppressants for patients covered by insurance subsequent to their kidney transplant procedure
  • Payment coverage for Arteriovenous Fistulae (AV Fistulae) procedures
  • Dialysis centres operated by NGOs or charitable bodies (subject to terms and conditions)
  • Dialysis machine donations for haemodialysis treatments
  • Financial grant to centres in need

Read more: Dialysis Centre

  • Hits: 86974

Contribution Rate



Contribution Payment

Contribution Rate

Contribution Calculator

Update on Contribution Amount for Act 4 and Act 800 in accordance with the Increment of the Wage Ceiling Limit

Effective 1 October 2024, PERKESO will enforce a new wage ceiling for contributions from RM5,000 to RM6,000 per month. The contribution amount that apply to employees with salaries exceeding RM5,000 per month is stated in the Third Schedule, Act 4 and the Second Schedule, Act 800. For employees with salaries exceeding RM6,000 per month, the contribution amount is subject to the wage ceiling of RM6,000. Accordingly, the contribution payment for the month of October 2024 and the subsequent months shall be made by the employer according to the new wage ceiling.

The contribution rates for Foreign Workers are refer to the Third Schedule (Act 4), whereas Domestic Workers' contribution rates are based on eligibility criteria listed in the Domestic Worker section.

Rate of Contribution Self-Employment Social Security Scheme(Act 789)

No. Insured Monthly Earning Contribution Payment Per Month Contribution Payment Per Year
1 RM1,050 RM13.10 RM157.20
2 RM1,550 RM19.40 RM232.80
3 RM2,950 RM36.90 RM442.80
4 RM3,950 RM49.40 RM592.80

Rate of Contribution Housewives’ Social Security Scheme (Act 838)

A contribution of RM120 shall be paid in advance, covering a period of 12 consecutive months.

Read more: Contribution Rate

  • Hits: 3552737

Contribution Payment



Contribution Payment

Contribution Rate

Contribution Calculator


  • On 1 January 2018, PERKESO introduced PERKESO ASSIST Portal to facilitate employers to manage their registration, update records and contribution payments.
  • To use PERKESO ASSIST Portal, employers need to register to obtain the ID for the ASSIST Portal by filling in the form for PERKESO ASSIST Portal ID. Employers can download the form from PERKESO website and send it to the nearest PERKESO office.
  • PERKESO ASSIST Portal can be accessed by visiting and login to ASSIST Portal.
  • Financial Process Exchange (FPX) - Employers are required to have an internet banking account with any bank that offers FPX services.
  • Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) - Employers are required to apply for an E-mandate through the ASSIST Portal.

Internet Banking

  • Employers need to be registered and have an account with the appointed banks. Further details can be obtained by contacting the following banks:
Bil Bank Perkhidmatan
1 Maybank Berhad
2 CIMB Bank Berhad BizChannel
3 RHB Bank Berhad RHB Reflex
4 Public Bank Berhad
5 Citibank Berhad CitiConnect
6 Hong Leong Bank Berhad ConnectFirst/Connect Biz
7 AmBank Malaysia Berhad E-Ambiz
8 Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad BizSmart
9 Affin Bank affinonline
10 HSBC Bank (M) Berhad HSBCnet
11 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad e-Banker
12 Agro Bank AGRONet
13 UOB Bank UOB Business Internet Banking
14 Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad Corporate Internet Banking (i-Biz)
15 Standard Chartered Malaysia Straight2Bank
16 OCBC Bank OCBC Velocity
17 Bank Rakyat iRakyat
18 MBSB Bank Berhad Mjourney
19 J.P Morgan J.P Morgan Access

Bank Counters

  • Bank counters (using ACR reference with contribution data submitted through PERKESO ASSIST Portal).
  • Banks appointed by PERKESO as collection agents for contribution payments are as follows:
    i.    Maybank Berhad
    ii.   Public Bank Berhad (starting 1 March 2018)

PRIHATIN Application

Contribution Payment Period

Contributions payable for any month must be paid no later than the 15th day of each succeeding month (eg: contributions for July 2017 must be paid latest by 15 August 2017).

Interest on Late Payment of Contributions

Interest on late payment of contributions will be imposed at a rate of 6% per annum for each day of contributions not paid within the stipulated period.

Download Textfile Format

Textfile Format of PERKESO & EIS

Read more: Contribution Payment

  • Hits: 449590

Social Security Appellate Board


  • The Social Security Appellate Board’s role is to adjudicate disputes and claims by the Organization, employers, employees and their dependants in connection with the matters set out in Section 84 of the Employees's Social Security Act 1969 and Section 59 Employment Insurance System Act 2017.

  • The applicant may be represented by a legal practitioner or by an officer of a registered trade union authorized in writing by such person or with the permission of the Board, by any other person so authorized. Application must be made within three years from the date on which the cause of action arose.

  • A total of eleven (11) Boards had been established, nine (9) in Peninsular Malaysia and one each in Sabah and Sarawak. The members of this Board are appointed by the Minister of Human Resource.

  • All applications for an appeal to the Board shall be submitted to the Secretariat at the following address:
    The Secretariat
    Social Security Appellate Board
    Tingkat 18, Menara PERKESO
    281, Jalan Ampang
    50538 Kuala Lumpur

    Tel  : 1-300-22-8000

Read more: Social Security Appellate Board

  • Hits: 68571

Menara PERKESO, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur

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