Frequently Asked Question
General Question
1) Q : Who is classified as an employee under the Employees' Social Security Act, 1969?
A : An employee is any person who is employed for wages paid under a contract of service or apprenticeship with an employer, whether the contract is expressed or implied, or oral or in writing, or in connection to the work of an industry to which the Act applies.
2) Q : Are temporary workers / part time workers covered by PERKESO?
A : Temporary or part time workers are required to be registered with PERKESO.
3) Q: Does an employer need to notify PERKESO if an employee resigns?
A : Employers may notify the employee’s resignation to SOCSO through ASSIST portal. Kindly follow the steps below to update the status:
1. |
Click at My Sites and choose REGISTRATION. |
2. |
Then click UPDATE, choose Update Add Employee Resigned Date |
3. |
Click on Action icon |
4. |
If all employee resign on the same date: |
a. Click All b. Update Employee Resign Date |
Or |
If there are other active employees: |
a. Click Specific b. Update Employee Resign Date c. In Please Select box, choose employee’s information according to IC Number / Employee’s name / Social Security No (SSN) d. Click on the Action button |
5. |
Click Save & Continue |
6. |
Upload the supporting documents |
7. |
Click Save & Continue |
8. |
Click Submit |
9. |
Proceed for Submission? Click Confirm |
10. |
Request Case Update Number is generated (Kindly keep the number for reference) |
11. |
Click OK |
4) Q : What is the age limit for employees to contribute?
A : All employees are eligible to be registered, regardless of age. For workers aged 60 years and below, the employer must make contributions under the first category, but when the employee reaches 60 years of age, the employer will only pay contributions under the second category. Employees who join the workforce when they are above 55 years of age and who have never contributed must pay a contribution of the second category.
5) Q : Are penalties imposed on employers who fail to register or contributes?
A : Employers may be prosecuted and shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit, or both.
6) Q: How is the mode of payment and contribution to PERKESO determined?
A : Employee contribution rate is based on the employee's wages, overtime, commissions, service charge, annual leave emoluments, sick leave, maternity leave, public holidays, incentives, meal allowance, cost of living and housing allowance and so forth. All payments whether hourly, daily, weekly or monthly-rated are considered wages. Monthly contribution rates for employers and employees is shown in the Contribution Schedule based on 65 salary categories.
7) Q: What are the payment channels for PERKESO contribution?
A : Payment for PERKESO contribution can be made through the following channels:
1. | PERKESO’s ASSIST Portal (Payment via FPX) |
2. | Direct Debit Authorisation (DDA) |
3. | Payment at Counter (Employers need to bring the ACR reference) |
a. Banks appointed by PERKESO as collection agents: |
4. | Internet Banking |
5. | Prihatin Apps |
8) Q: How to make PERKESO/EIS contribution?
A : Kindly follow the steps below to generate ACR/ECR:
1. |
Click My Sites |
2. |
Choose PERKESO Contribution/EIS Contribution |
3. |
Click Employer Contribution |
4. |
Click Add Contribution (Portal)/Add Data Entry |
5. |
Click on the Action (pencil icon) to edit/updat |
6. |
Select the contribution month and click edit to update the contribution month |
*If the contribution month does not appear, click Arrears Contribution > Select the contribution month & year |
7. |
Click on the pencil icon > Key in the employees’ salary (The rate of contribution will be automatically calculated) |
8. |
Click Save Draft |
9. |
Click Complete |
10. |
Click Submit |
11. |
Click Confirm |
12. |
Choose Payment Method (PERKESO Collection/EIS Collection) |
a) Print ACR/ECR (Bank Counter - Maybank/ RHB Bank/Public Bank) b) Proceed to payment (Online Banking via FPX) > Tick the chosen ACR/ECR > Add to cart > Proceed to summary > Continue > Key in bank details > FPX Process |
9) Q : How to register ASSIST Portal ID?
A : Kindly follow the steps below to register Portal ID
1. | Visit the ASSIST Portal |
2. | Complete the Portal ID registration |
3. | Receive a temporary password |
4. | Log in to the ASSIST Portal using the password given |
5. | Refer to the Quick Reference Guide (QRG) for Portal ID registration |
10) Q: How to register new employer via online?
A : For new employer registrations, please register for a Portal ID first before proceeding with the employer registration on PORTAL ASSIST.
Kindly follow the steps below to register new employer:
1. |
Click My Sites and choose Registration |
2. |
Click Registration |
3. |
Key in all the employer's details |
4. |
Click Save & Continue |
5. |
Click Add New Employee |
6. |
Key in employee IC No. on the 'Search Existing Employee' and click 'Search', the employee information will automatically appear. |
*If it does not appear, tick Register New Employee and fill up all employee information. |
7. |
Click Save |
8. |
Click Save & Continue |
9. |
Click Save & Continue |
10. |
Click Add Document |
11. |
Upload Borang 1, Borang 2, Borang SIP 1, Borang SIP 2, Employer's IC copy, SSM Registration Document |
12. |
Click Add Document |
13. |
Click Save & Continue |
14. |
Fill up “Confirmation from Employer/ Employer’s Representative” |
15. |
Click Submit |
16. |
Click Confirm |
11) Q: How to register new employee?
A : Kindly follow the steps below to register new employee:
1. |
Click My Sites |
2. |
Click Registration |
3. |
Click Update |
4. |
Click Update Add New Employee |
5. |
Click on the Action (pencil icon) to edit/update |
6. |
Click Add Employee/Add Foreign Employee |
*Key in employee IC No. on the 'Search Existing Employee' and click 'Search', the employee information will be automatic appeared. *If there is no record, tick on Register New Employee |
7. |
Click Save |
8. |
Click Save and continue |
9. |
Click Save and continue |
10. |
Click Add Document (Upload Borang 2 - Pendaftaran Pekerja & copy of IC |
11. |
Click Save and Continue |
12. |
Click Submit |
13. |
Click Confirm |
12) Q: How to register new foreign employee?
A : Kindly follow the steps below to register new foreign employee:
1. |
Click My Sites |
2. |
Click Registration |
3. |
Click Update |
4. |
Click Update Add New Employee |
5. |
Click on the Action (pencil icon) to edit/update |
6. |
Click Add Foreign Employe |
*Key in the employee’s SSFW No. in the 'Search Existing Employee' section and click 'Search', the employee information will automatically appear. *If it does not appear, tick Register New Employee |
7. |
Key in Foreign Employee's Details (Upload copy of passport & working permit) |
8. |
Click Save |
9. |
Click Save and continue |
10. |
Click Save and continue |
11. |
Click Add Document (Upload Borang Pendaftaran Pekerja Asing) |
12. |
Click Save and Continue |
13. |
Click Submit |
14. |
Click Confirm |
13) Q: How to appeal for Interest on Late Payment of Contributions (ILPC)?
A : Kindly follow the steps below to appeal for ILPC:
1. |
Click My Sites |
2. |
Click PERKESO Contribution/EIS Contribution |
3. |
Click FCLB |
4. |
Choose Request for Appeal |
5. |
Tick Notice ID FCLB |
6. |
Click Select |
7. |
Click Save and Continue |
8. |
Click Add Document (Official Letter/Appeal's Letter) |
9. |
Click Save and Continue |
10. |
Click Submit |
11. |
Click Confirm |
14) Q: How to download 8A Form (PERKESO Contribution)?
A : Kindly follow the steps below to download the 8A form:
1. |
Click My Sites |
2. |
Click Base |
3. |
Click Contribution and Collection Information |
4. |
Choose Contribution Payment Information |
5. |
Choose Contribution Month & Click download 8A Form in Action column |
15) Q: How to print the payment receipt?
A : Follow the steps below :
1. |
Click My Sites |
2. |
Click Base |
3. |
Click on Document Listing |
4. |
Choose Generated Document Listing |
5. |
Click Module |
6. |
Choose PERKESO - Payment |
7. |
Download Payment Receipt |
16) Q: How to update employee/foreign employee's information?
A : Kindly follow the steps below to update employee’s information:
1. |
Click My Sites |
2. |
Click Registration |
3. |
Click Update |
4. |
Click Update Employee Information (Employer) |
5. |
Search the Employee/Foreign Employee Listing |
6. |
Click Edit at desired Employee/Foreign Employee to be updated |
7. |
Update Employee/Foreign Employee's information |
8. |
Click Save |
9. |
Click Save and continue |
10. |
Click Save and continue |
11. |
Click Submit |
12. |
Click Confirm |
17) Q: How to update employee's resignation date?
A : Kindly follow the steps below to update employee's resignation date:
1. |
Click My Sites |
2. |
Click Registration |
3. |
Click Update |
4. |
Click Update Add Employee Resigned Date |
5. |
Click on the Action (pencil icon) |
*Choose All (if all employees resign on the same date) or, *Choose Specific (State the specific employee who has resigned |
6. |
Key in Employment Resign Date |
7. |
Search for the employee (Key in IC No./SSFW No./Employee Name) |
8. |
Click Select |
9. |
Click Save and continue |
10. |
Click Save and continue |
11. |
Click Submit |
12. |
Click Confirm |
18) Q :How can PERKESO contributions be made if the employee stops working in the middle of the month?
A : Employers are only required to pay contributions based on the total wages paid to employees for the month. However, if the salary is paid until the 15th day of the month, the contribution is based on salary paid for that particular month.
19) Q: When is Interest on Late Payment Contributions (ILPC) applied to the employer?
A : The employer is liable to pay monthly contributions within 15 days of the following month. For example, January contributions should be paid not later than February 15. ILPC is charged for late payment of contributions at the rate of 6 percent per annum for each day of late payment contributions. If late payment interest is calculated to be less than RM5, then interest is charged at RM5 per month.
20) Q: How is the Interest Late Payment Contributions (ILPC) paid?
A : ILPC payment can be made through the following channels:
1. |
PERKESO’s ASSIST Portal ( Payment via FPX ) |
2. |
Payment at counter (Employers need to bring the FCLB notice) |
a. PERKESO counters *Payment of contributions must be made using cheque or money/postal order only. b. Banks appointed by PERKESO as collection agents: i. RHB Bank ii. Public Bank (Starting 1 March 2018) |
21) Q: How do we report an accident and what are the documents needed to make a claim?
A : For accidents at the work place, the employer has to notify PERKESO by filling in the Accident Report (Form 34) and submit punch cards or attendance records, medical certificate and a copy of the identity card to the PERKESO Office. If the accident occurs while commuting to and from work, these documents must be accompanied by a police report and sketch map of the route taken at the time of accident.
22) Q: Does PERKESO bear the cost of medical treatment? Where can teatment be obtained?
A : Any employee who is involved in a work-related accident, commuting accident or has occupational disease is entitled to free medical treatment at PERKESO panel clinics, government clinics and government hospitals.
23) Q: Who is eligible for Constant Attendance Allowance?
A : This allowance is paid to an employee who suffers total permanent disablement or is severely incapacitated with a 100% loss of earning capacity or certified invalid and constantly requires personal attendance. His need for a care giver must be verified by a Medical Board or Appellate Medical Board. This allowance is equivalent to 40% of permanent disability benefits or invalidity pension and is subject to a maximum rate of RM500 per month (With effectice from 1st January 2013 the sum is fixed at RM 500) . Payment is made directly to beneficiaries.
24) Q : What is my PERKESO registration number?
A : PERKESO registration number is your Identity Card Number issued by the National Registration Department.
25) Q : How to update employer's cessation (dormant/ winding-up/cancel/does not employ employees)?
A : Cessation As Employer can be made through the ASSIST Portal. Kindly follow the steps below:
1. |
Click My Sites |
2. |
Click Registration |
3. |
Click Update |
4. |
Click Form 1A- Cessation As Employer (Discontinue Business ) |
5. |
Click on Action pencil icon |
6. |
Choose status on Change Employer Status To |
a. Dormant |
7. |
Fill in the date at Temporary closure / No employee form* section |
8. |
Click Save & Continue |
9. |
Upload supporting document (Business termination letter) |
10. |
Click Save & Continue |
11. |
Click Submit |
12. |
Proceed for Submission |
13. |
Click Confirm |
14. |
Generate Request Case Number (Please download case number for reference) |
15. |
Click OK |
26) Q : How to update Employer information (address / email / induction date)?
A : Kindly follow the steps below to update employer's information:
1. |
Click My Sites |
2. |
Click Registration |
3. |
Click Update |
4. |
Click Update Employer Information |
5. |
Click on Action (pencil icon) |
6. |
Update Employer Information (address/email/Induction Date) |
7. |
Click Save & Continue |
8. |
Upload supporting document |
9. |
Click Save & Continue |
10. |
Click Submit |
11. |
Proceed for Submission |
12. |
Click Confirm |
13. |
Generate Request Case Number (Please download case number for reference) |
14. |
Click OK |
Frequently Asked Questions on Self-Employed Social Security Scheme (SESSS)
1) Q : What is the Act that provides protection to self-employed individuals?
A : The introduced Act is the Self-Employment Social Security Act 2017 (Act 789)
2) Q : What is the main objective of the Self-Employment Social Security Act 2017 (Act 789)?
A : The main objective of the Act 789 is to provide social security protection to self-employed individual in the informal sectors. PERKESO enforced Act 789 on 1 June 2017 and initially, the contribution under the Self-Employed Social Security Scheme (SESSS) was compulsory for the self-employed in the passenger transport sector, namely taxi, e-hailing and bus drivers. However, beginning 1 January 2020, the SESSS has been extended to 19 other informal sectors making it 20 sectors in total.
3) Q : What are the 20 informal sectors that are eligible to register and contribute under the scheme?
A :
4) Q : What are qualification requirements to contribute under the Act?
A : Malaysian citizen or permanent resident without age limitation including self-employed individuals who work for themselves to earn a living.
5) Q : What are the documents needed in order to register under the scheme?
A :
- Photocopy of Identity Card (IC)
- Copy of licence/PSV Card / E-hailing Profile / Permit / Business Registration Certificate or Letter of Confirmation from the relevant association or agency subject to the type of sector.
6) Q : Can the contribution of self-employed individuals be paid by someone else?
A : There is no restriction if someone else pay the contribution on behalf of the self-employed person as long as the required documents are valid and completed.
7) Q : Can the contribution be transferred to someone else?
A : The contributions are non-transferable.
8) Q : Ali has been contributing for 6 months under a contribution plan of RM 157.20 a year. Can Ali change his contribution plan to RM 282.80 a year on the 7th month?
A : Ali cannot change his contribution plan to RM232.80 a year, instead he must complete his 12-month contribution under the RM157.20 plan. He can only change his contribution plan to RM232.80 after the 12-month period.
9) Q : What type of accidents are claimable under Act 789?
A : Self-employed individuals are covered under the Self Employment Injury Scheme against accidents arising from and during work-related activities including occupational diseases.
10) Q : What are the benefits under the scheme?
A :
- Medical Benefit
- Temporary Disablement Benefit
- Permanent Disablement Benefit
- Constant Attendance Allowance
- Dependants’ Benefit
- Funeral Benefit
- Education Benefit
- Facilities for Physical or Vocational Rehabilitation
11) Q : What are the contributor will receive if no accident occurs during the contribution period?
A : No benefits can be paid or given to the contributor as the coverage is based on the concept of joint responsibility through the pooling of resources and sharing of risks.
12) Q : Is the contribution paid is refundable?
A : The contribution is non-refundable in accordance with section 11 (3) of Act 789.
13) Q : What action can be taken if the self-employed individuals does not make continuous contributions?
A : If there is no contribution, there is no coverage provided.
14) Q : How to claim the benefits and what are the required documents?
A : A benefit claim can be made by filling in Form PS2 which can be downloaded from PERKESO website. The PS2 form then need to be submitted together with relevant documents such as identity card, original sick leave certificate, police report and others to the nearest PERKESO Office.
Frequently Asked Questions on Employment Insurance System (EIS)
1) Q : What are the eligibility requirements for employees to be covered under the EIS?
A : Employees who are eligible under the Employment Insurance System Act 2017 (Act 800) are as follows:
- Malaysian citizens / permanent residents
- Aged 18-60*
- Working in the private sector**
- Employed based on a contract of service
* Important exception:
Workers aged 57 and above who have never paid contributions before that age are NOT covered by
Act 800 and are NOT required to contribute.
** Act 800 does NOT cover domestic workers, the self-employed, civil servants and workers in local authorities and statutory bodies.
2) Q : I have lost my job. Am I eligible to apply for EIS benefits?
A :All EIS applications must meet the following requirements;
i. To apply within 60 days from the date of loss of employment
ii. To meet the Contributions Qualifying Conditions, namely the EIS contributions that have been paid based on the EIS contribution schedule and having a minimum number of months within a specified period.
3) Q :What categories of loss of employment that are eligible for EIS benefits?
A : The categories of loss of employment that are eligible for EIS benefits are as follows;
- Normal retrenchment /redundancy
- VSS/MSS (Voluntary/Mutual Separation Scheme)
- Closure of company due to natural disasters
- Bankruptcy or closure of company
- Constructive dismissal
- Resignation due to sexual harassment or threats made in the workplace
- Resignation after being ordered to perform dangerous duties that are not within the job scope
4) Q : What categories of loss of employment that are not eligible for EIS benefits ?
A : The categories of loss of employment that are not eligible for EIS benefits are as follows;
- Dismissal due to employee misconduct
- Voluntary resignation
- Retirement
- The expiry of a fixed-term contract (includes unconditional termination of a contract based on an employer-employee agreement or the completion of the project stated in the contract)
5) Q : How do I apply for EIS benefits if I have lost my job?
A : The EIS application can be made online via EIS Portal or go to the nearest PERKESO office throughout the country including Sabah and Sarawak..
6) Q : What are the required documents when applying for EIS benefits?
A : The documents required are;
- A copy of your NRIC
- Proof of loss of employment, e.g. termination letter
- A copy of bank account information
- Payslips for the last 6 months
Besides that, applicants are required to provide additional supporting documents based on the type of benefit they are applying for as shown in the table below:
Job Search Allowance (JSA) |
Reduced Income Allowance (RIA) |
Training Fee (TF) |
Training Allowance (TA) |
Early Re-Employment Allowance (ERA) |
7) Q : How do I submit printed documents when making an online application?
A : The original documents should be scanned and uploaded to the EIS Portal using the link provided in the online application form.
8) Q : How do I check the status of application made through the EIS Portal?
A : To check the status of application, log in to the EIS Portal using user case ID and password.
9) Q : My application has been rejected by the EIS Officer due to ineligibility. Am I allowed to make an appeal?
A :
For any EIS application that has been rejected, appeal can be made to the Social Security Appellate Board by submitting the application form to the following address:
Urus Setia, Jemaah Rayuan Keselamatan Sosial, Tkt 11, Menara PERKESO, 281, Jalan Ampang, 50538 Kuala Lumpur
10) Q : I am an employee who has lost employment and received the EIS benefits. Am I eligible to apply for EIS benefits for the second time?
A : You are eligible to apply for the second time if you meet the defined contribution eligibility requirements
11) Q : What is the amount of EIS benefit payment am I entitled for the Job Search Allowance?
A : The Job Search Allowance (JSA) provided by PERKESO will be paid based on assumed monthly wage which is 80% for the first month, 50% for second month, 40% for the third and fourth month and 30% for the fifth and sixth months.
12) Q : How can I get in touch with PERKESO if there is any questions or concerns regarding the EIS?
A : For more information, please contact PERKESO’s Customer Service Line 1-300-22-8000 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Read more: Frequently Asked Question
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